Rapping at Stanford | NEAR Update: May 31, 2019

May 31, 2019

We kicked things off this week with an epic rap session at Stanford! Last week, we were heads down smashing bugs, crushing code and shipping features. Keep your eye on our twitter – we’re planning our next hackathon – announcement coming very soon.

In other news, we’ve shipped economics to our testnet, as well as the new wallet.

?Just for fun ?


If you want to see us do more in person and/or online events, just reach out on Discord: near.chat

  • Stanford Blockchain Club workshop
  • Lightning talk for Decentralized Colorado
    • We skyped in to the Decentralized Colorado Lightning Talks night to promote our upcoming virtual dApp workshop in partnership with the Denver crypto community. If you’re in Denver, make sure you mark June 19th in your calendar.

Upcoming events



There were 32 PRs in our multiple repos from 5 different authors over the last couple of weeks. As always, the code is completely open source on Github.

We’ve been making steady progress on economics and our new model of sharding.

Application/Development Layer

  • Wallet
    • Initial support for app-specific keys
    • Send money to another account
    • Cleaned up UI to prepare for release
    • Display token amounts in dashboard and profile pages
    • Account recovery working cross-browser
  • Nearlib
    • Minor error message improvements
    • Support for viewing authorized apps from wallet and revoking access keys.
    • Send tokens
  • Near CLI
    • Make method calls from command line
    • Support setting networkId
    • Configure separate network IDs for starter project config environments
  • NEARStudio
    • Improve templates compatibility with CLI tools

Blockchain Layer


Join us! If you want to work with one of the most talented teams in the world right now to solve incredibly hard problems, check out our careers page for openings. And tell your friends ?

Learn more about NEAR in The Beginner’s Guide to NEAR Protocol. Stay up to date with what we’re building by following us on Twitter for updates, joining the conversation on Discord and subscribing to our newsletter to receive updates right to your inbox.

Reminder: you can help out significantly by adding your thoughts in our 2-minute Developer Survey.


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